• making the choice about dentures

Making the Right Choice When It Comes to Dentures

Thanks to modern dentistry, more people manage to hang on to their natural teeth longer these days, but there are still those who need dentures as they get older.

There are several reasons for this…

  • Some people haven’t always been able to afford regular dental care
  • Others didn’t receive proper dental care when they were younger and develop complications in their senior years
  • Some suffer from diabetes or other health problems that sometimes lead to losing teeth
  • Others end up with damaged or weakened teeth because of sports injuries or auto accidents

Depending on the number of healthy, serviceable teeth you have, it may be necessary to get upper dentures, lower dentures, or possibly both. This process may also require the extraction of damaged or weak teeth.

If you require dentures, it’s important to get the right care. While cost is likely to be an important factor, especially for those on a fixed income, there are other factors to consider, including the dentist’s level of experience and the reputation of the clinic you choose. Just think about how important your teeth are. This is your health we’re talking about here. It’s important you know all the risks involved before you settle for bargain-basement dentures.

Concerns Associated with Dentures

People worry about a whole laundry list of potential problems when it’s time to get dentures. Will they hurt? Will I ever eat corn on the cob again? Will they make me talk funny? Will they fall out of my mouth when I’m talking or laughing?

But the truth is that you won’t have to worry about any of that so long as you get the right dentures and a skilled dentist. Today’s dentures look remarkably natural. Your friends and family may not even be able to notice the difference – other than the overall improvement in your smile – and you’ll be amazed at how they feel and function like normal teeth.

There are a few issues to be aware of before getting dentures, though. Just keep reading and we’ll tell you all you need to know to help make sense of it all.

Types of Dentures – Removable vs. Fixed

There are essentially two kinds of dentures you need to be aware of­­ — removable and fixed. Here’s what you need to know about both of them:

Removable Dentures

You most likely had a relative when you were younger who kept their dentures in a glass on their bedside table overnight. Back then, removable dentures were your only option, and you had to pop them out to clean them overnight.

Today’s removable dentures really haven’t changed much, and they are definitely the more affordable option available. Removables are held in place by an adhesive cream, suction, or a combination of adhesive and suction, and you still have to take them out a couple of times a day to clean them. But while the price tag may look more appealing, patients need to consider the recurring costs and the daily inconvenience involved in this option.

For starters, removable dentures need to be refitted or replaced due to natural changes in mouth structure that are inevitable over time. You’ll most likely require at least one adjustment in your first year with dentures with repeat adjustments every three to five years afterward. Mileage varies, though. Some people find they need more frequent adjustments.

Poorly fitted dentures can lead to discomfort, pain, infection — even bone loss. And there have even been cases where people have actually swallowed them.

Fixed Dentures

Fortunately, many of the problems associated with removables are remedied by fixed or implant-supported dentures. With fixed dentures, the dentures are held in place with titanium screws. These implants are embedded in the jawbone during minor dental surgery and soon fuse with the natural bone. This system gives your dentures a sturdy foundation on which to adhere. After a short, easy adjustment period, you’ll have a great set of dentures that are much more stable than removable dentures and you don’t have to pop them out to clean them several times a day.

You also don’t have to worry about potential bone loss, either. The implants actually stimulate bone growth.

The price of fixed dentures may be higher initially, but there will be fewer adjustments required. In the long run, the price is comparable, or may even wind up being less expensive.

Fixed dentures are not without potential drawbacks, though. You may need a set of temporary replacement teeth in the time it takes for the dental implants to heal. Also, your jawbone may not be strong enough, and you may require bone grafts to compensate for this. There are also some issues, including advanced bone loss, that may eliminate them from even being an option.

Immediate vs. Permanent Dentures

Getting dentures – whether top arch, bottom arch, or both – often requires the extraction of permanent teeth. As your gums heal afterward, they will inevitably change shape. And the process could take a several months. Getting fitted for permanent dentures, whether removable or fixed, at such a time, would be a waste of money.

It’s better to wear immediate dentures while your gums acquire their new shape. Immediate dentures can be relined to accommodate the changing shape of the mouth, and some people will choose to reline immediates rather than invest in permanents. There are certain drawbacks to this approach, though. Immediates tend to be bulkier and the individual teeth are less defined and not as sharp. They also tend to look less natural.

When you get your permanent dentures, hold onto your immediates. They could serve as handy back-ups if your permanents ever need to be repaired or replaced.

Denture Costs

Everyone knows the old saying: You get what you pay for. That is never truer than with dentures. There are loads of low-cost dentures out there, but given this is your oral health we’re talking about, is it really an area you want to cut corners on?

Less-expensive dentures are usually one size fits all, which often means they won’t fit you well at all. And they’re usually made of cheaper materials prone to cracking and breaking. If you think you’ve found a bargain, do your research. Online reviews of dental practices that offer inexpensive dentures can be rife with horror stories.

And don’t get fooled by places offering instant or snap-on teeth. These products are not to be confused with immediate or fixed dentures. They look fake and neither feel nor function like properly fitted dentures.

Visit this page for more complete information on dental implant costs.

You Smile Deserves the Very Best

Sometimes, getting dentures is unavoidable as you get older. But if you choose wisely, getting dentures can vastly improve the look and functionality of your teeth while letting you smile with confidence again.

If you need dentures, always make sure you invest in the best product available for your budget. And make sure you do your homework. Finding the right dental clinic for your dentures — or any other dental procedure — makes all the difference.

Trust Georgian Dental® to Get your Smile in Style!

When it comes to dentures, you simply can’t afford to shop by price alone. Georgian Dental® provides quality dental services in Barrie & Orillia, and our reputation in these communities speaks for itself.

Contact us today for a no-obligation consultation to see how we can help you get your smile back in style!

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