Replacement of Missing Teeth

Implants are the best solution to missing teeth, as they provide stability, reducing the necessity of sacrificing neighbouring teeth to hold the replacement tooth in place. Implants are popular because they look and feel like real teeth, they can even be an improvement over the extracted teeth allowing you to not only have the smile that you’ve always wanted – but also provide full, long lasting functionality.

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Implant Restoration Process

How Does it Work?

First things first – we need to examine you and review imagery (digital imaging of your jawbone specifically), in order to determine what type of implant will work best for your particular situation – everyone is different. Once we’ve reviewed your dental situation and have evaluated what’ll work best, we’ll looking at one of the two below implant restoration options:

Immediate placement protocols

A damaged tooth is extracted and immediately replaced during the same appointment with a dental implant.

Delayed loading protocols

A missing or damaged tooth is removed, and the site is rehabilitated for a certain amount of time before implants are placed. The appointment to place the implant itself takes about an hour, whereas the healing time for an implant to integrate into bone will take 3-6 months.

Find Out What Implants Will Cost

Save $300 On All Dental Implant Appointments. Our Professionals Will Create a Customized Dental Implant Treatment Plan Based on Your Situation and Budget.


Includes 30 Minute Consultation – Diagnostic Imagery/Radiography Extra.

Implant Restoration Categories

Types of Implants

Single Prosthesis

A crown is used to replace one missing tooth. Each prosthetic tooth attaches to its own implant if more than one tooth is being replaced.

Partial Prosthesis

This implant (partial fixed bridge), can replace two or more teeth and may require two or three implants depending on your situation.

Complete Prosthesis

A complete fixed bridge replaces all teeth in your upper or lower jaw. The number of implants varies depending on the type of prosthesis.

Removable Prosthesis

An implant supported overdenture replaces all the teeth in one dental arch and the prosthesis can be removed by the patient.


Finding the Right Implants

One of the great benefits of Georgian Dental® is our no-obligation consultations, where you can learn more about our philosophy and techniques along with specific insights into your specific implant needs.

A consultation can determine what type of implants are necessary, the best way to perform the restoration, and allow us to discuss the costs associated with the treatment – including insurance coverage.

Find Out What Implants Will Cost

Save $300 On All Dental Implant Appointments. Our Professionals Will Create a Customized Dental Implant Treatment Plan Based on Your Situation and Budget.


Includes 30 Minute Consultation – Diagnostic Imagery/Radiography Extra.

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