General Dental
In our General Dental category, you’ll find a wealth of information on the latest trends in oral care, as well as valuable tips and advice you can use right at home to promote better dental health for your whole family. It’s time to read up on how to keep your smile in style and have some fun, too!
Is Flossing Hazardous To Your Health?
The Associated Press (AP) investigation regarding generally accepted as good healthy practice of flossing has [...]
Diabetes and Dental Health
D&D—Diabetes and Dental Health For the millions of individuals living with diabetes, the “theory” of [...]
Consequences Of Tooth Loss
The loss of even a single tooth can have a cascading effect. The bone may [...]
Root Canal Treatment
A root canal treatment has to be performed if the dental nerve in the pulp [...]
Root Canals
How Successful is a Root Canal Treatment? A root canal is a common dental treatment [...]
Dental Emergency – Dental Trauma to Permanent Teeth
A dental emergency can occur at any time, regardless of the level of care we [...]
Discomfort at the Dentist is a Thing of the Past
Do you avoid dental appointments out of a fear of discomfort? Some level of dental [...]
How Does a Root Canal Become Infected?
Root canal treatment involves a dentist removing the nerves and pulp from the internal structure [...]
How well will I be able to eat with a dental crown?
Dental crowns are a common method of tooth restoration used by dentists. Commonly made of [...]
My Front Tooth Was Knocked Out: Now What?
Participants in physical contact sports are more likely to suffer unexpected tooth loss through their [...]
Bleeding Gums can Affect More than Your Smile
If your gums bleed occasionally when you brush due to excessive pressure or using too [...]
Halitosis: Prevention and Treatment
Halitosis, or bad breath, can make you very self-conscious. In some cases, professional help is [...]