All-on-4 Or All-on-6

Which Dental Implant System Is Best For You?

Examining All-on Implant Methods

All-on dental implant procedures are cutting-edge approaches in dental technology. As their names suggest, All-on-4 and All-on-6 dental implant systems involve surgically placing either 4 or 6 titanium implants in a strategic pattern inside the bones of the jaw to act as secure anchors for a fully-artificial top and/or bottom dental prosthesis.

When an person is missing teeth, the impact to their quality of life can be very significant. In addition to the effects that missing teeth can have on self-confidence and a persons overall sense of well-being, a lost tooth will quickly lead to long-term natural deterioration of the surrounding bone through a loss of bone density. Therefore, All-on dental protocols are critically important dental procedure to rescue a persons smile and restore their quality of life by giving them back full mouth function.

The Demand for All-on Methods

Dental implant surgery is a common procedure that restores individual teeth with lifelike artificial crowns mounted to metal, screw-like posts that result in a replacement tooth that looks and functions in an identical fashion to natural teeth. The gleaming result is a seamless aesthetic presentation across your entire mouth.

Both All-on-4 and All-on-6 procedures offer enduring, permanent solutions that are far superior to ill-fitting dentures or bridgework. The objective of the All-on concept is to duplicate the stimulation to the jawbones that happens naturally due to frequent pressure on the natural teeth resulting from chewing and talking, thereby preventing bone atrophy and keeping the mouth strong, resilient, and healthy.

Why a Precedence To Evolve?

Traditional solutions to lost teeth such as dentures and partials have many shortcomings. Their fit degrades over time and they become less comfortable to wear, the adhesives needed to keep them in place can loosen, and the types of foods that a person can enjoy with them are limited. The All-on system surpasses traditional dentures in the areas of both function and comfort. Furthermore, early iterations of full-arch dental implants relied on 8 or sometimes even 10 individual implants to provide the stable base needed. Advancements in technology have enabled the same stability and security to be achieved with only four or six implants as the support mechanism for upper and lower teeth replacement.

Is One All-on Method Superior?

Both All-on-4 and All-on-6 protocols have clear-cut advantages. An examination of each will reinforce your knowledge of dental implants and guide you to make a fitting choice. Additionally, we encourage anyone contemplating tooth replacement options to further explore the ample benefits of All-on-4 or All-on-6 methods by contacting our team of renowned dental professionals for a one-on-one consultation. At Georgian Dental our expert team will examine how much supporting bone structure remains as we assess your gum health and your remaining teeth. We will also measure and analyze the shape and resiliency of the gums and underlying jawbone to ensure the proper fit.

The Advantages of All-on-4 Dental Implants

All-on-4 is a revolutionary technique that offers brilliant results to patients. But, precisely what are the reasons that make All-on-4 so spectacular?

  • Completely Restores The Smile 

All-on-4 gives patients with chronic tooth decay something to grin about. The innovative method restores one’s smile, facial structure, and muscle tone after chronic tooth decay, bone loss, or infection. With this restorative procedure, their teeth will feel, perform, and appear completely natural. Offering unrestricted use of one’s teeth and mouth again is an integral feature of All-on-4, greatly enhancing one’s quality of life. Furthermore, your new set of teeth will be uniform, gleaming, and quite perfect, resulting in greater self-confidence.

  • Eating Is Enhanced 

Once meticulously placed, All-on-4 dental implants will perform like natural teeth. With superior strength and durability, the progressive implants dramatically facilitate and improve one’s eating ability. Using specially-designed titanium composite materials, the implants connect directly to ultimately secure and fuse with the jawbone. What’s more, the All-on-4 design does not cover the roof of one’s mouth, so not only will chewing become effortless, your palate will also savour more natural flavours.

  • One Single Treatment

Unlike traditional implants, which require a minimum of six months to complete, the All-on-4 system produces results in a very short and convenient timeframe. Patients receive a new, perfectly functioning set of teeth in one same-day treatment, prompting an equally instantaneous smile.

  • For the Most Part, No Bone Graft

In some cases, a bone graft may be necessary when a patient’s jaw has been determined to not be capable of supporting a dental implant. The bone graft procedure necessitates an extended healing time to provide the required bone density improvement to the patients jaw. However, thanks to the advanced techniques used to perform the All-on-4 procedure, the most vulnerable areas in a patient’s jawbone are easily isolated, reducing or even eliminating the need for a graft.

  • Everlasting Placement

The All-on-4 system consists of two straight anterior implants and two inclined at a 45° angle for a solid and secure connection that distributes pressure evenly throughout the jawbone. As the jawbone grows around and fuses to the biocompatible material used in the manufacture of the implants, a strong foundation is created. Simultaneously with proper dental care, All-on-4 dental implants are engineered to be a compelling permanent dental solution.

  • Pleasantly Affordable 

Cost is a significant factor in one’s commitment to dental implant treatment. Georgian Dental works with our patients to provide easy financing alternatives in the event that insurance coverage does not sufficiently account for dental implant procedures of this nature. To get a better idea of what the cost of an All-on-4 procedure will look like, contact our office today to arrange for your no-obligation consultation and have all your questions answered.

  • Unparalleled Strength

​Trusting in the foundation of your mouth is paramount, and All-on-4 dental implants are designed to meet the expectations patients demand of their treatment. This method is highly effective, having four implants as a support mechanism for upper and lower teeth replacement, providing substantial support for a full arch prosthetic. A custom-designed prosthetic arch that is created to perfectly mimic the look and shape of natural teeth and gums is physically connected to the implants fused into the jawbone.

The Advantages of All-on-6

All-on-6 offers all the extraordinary benefits of All-on-4 but with one fundamental difference. All-on-6 is the surgical implantation of 6 implants instead of 4 in the upper and lower jaws, which may be deemed to be a more suitable option in special cases or based on the specific needs of a particular patient.

  • Extra Stability

Oral surgeons may choose the All-on-6 protocol as it can provide even greater strength and stability for some patients. Depending on the condition of the mouth, gums, and jawbone, it may be determined that the patient would be best served by the additional two implants in an All-on-6 procedure instead of an All-on-4 procedure.

  • Enhanced Jaw Support

The additional two implants of the All-on-6 system further stimulate the jawbone, providing increased protection against bone density loss over the long term. In cases where bone density loss is deemed to be of greater concern, this method can provide the extra assurance and peace of mind for the patient that their replacement teeth will remain solid and secure for many years to come.

Getting Started With A Full-Mouth Restoration

If you or someone you love is experiencing the troubles of deteriorating health due to multiple lost or missing teeth, there’s no time to waste in getting the treatment needed to restore the mouth and regain full function. The process is straightforward, and it all starts with a comprehensive consultation and examination. The best way to find out answers to all your questions and get a clear picture of what the All-on-4 or All-on-6 treatment will mean for you is to contact the team here at Georgian Dental. Our friendly team of expert dental health professionals will guide you through the entire process, and let you know exactly what you can expect at each step along the way. We’re here to help you regain a higher quality of life and better overall well-being with a new, beautiful smile.

Contact us today to book your consultation. We look forward to seeing you soon!

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